Project Overview:
The new visitors center at Old Cowtown Museum in
Wichita, Kansas, is connected to the living history exhibit space
by a walkway approximately one-quarter of a mile long. It
was the desire of the museum’s interpretive staff to make that
walkway an opportunity to travel back in time and to prepare
visitors to encounter their immersive experience in Old
Cowtown, a replicated frontier town. Traub Design Associates
was commissioned to create interpretive markers that would act
as guideposts for the journey. The subjects for the markers were determined to be the
setting (Why Here?), The Environment, The Prairie &
Migration. Inasmuch as the area surrounding the pathway was
not yet developed, visualization of the area was essential.

Traub Design Associates provided research, editorial, design, and production
management services for four signs. (two - 3’x4’ and two -
18”x24”). Once the script was written, local and state archives
were searched for appropriate photographs and maps to
illustrate the text.

The images were digitized and the design
readied for fabrication. The half-inch state-of-the-art phenolic
markers were specifically chosen to withstand the heat, scorching sun and
freezing cold of the plains of Kansas. They are currently
standing alone as the educational pieces of the pathway to the past and
will be even more effective as the areas are developed.
Project Date: 2006-2007
Exhibition Size: 30 sq .ft.
traub design associates team:
- Don Traub, Principal Designer
- Nicholas Traub, Principal Graphic Designer
services rendered & Deliverables:
- Exhibit Planning & Programming
- Research of Archival Resources
- Preliminary and Final Design
- Creation of Digital Production Files
- Fabrication and Installation of all Signage and Mounts